- WSBA website
Email Wsba Web contact (see contacts)
- Section newsletter
- Complete draft 1st Friday of the month; send to eboard for review.
- Also 1st Friday of the month, send WSBA Section Contact (gro.absw|DinoT#gro.absw|DinoT) the "three-day warning"
- Wednesday after 1st Friday of the month, send newsletter to WSBA Section Contact
- WSBA broadcast emails
Typically these go out only to current members of the section with WSBA membership status = active.
These have to go out after the WSBA website is updated so the link works.
Send request to CLE department contact
- Section listserve at
- Email the listserve when the newsletter is mailed, including a PDF of the newsletter.
- Email reminder the Friday before the event
- Newsletter online
Upload PDF to section file area
- Bar News.
IIRC this requires a couple of months of lead time. I haven't done it.
- Invite members of another section as guests. This would let us get WSBA to broadcast email to them, and get a message on their listserve.
- A variety of community calendars might be helpful, although it's hard to quantify their impact:
page revision: 0, last edited: 05 Sep 2007 02:20